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Databaum establishes headquarters in Basel
Databaum is establishing its headquarters in Basel and plans to grow from its location there. The startup provides the agricultural sector with tools based on the Internet of Things that can make field management easier, save plant protection resources, and ensure harvests.

The databaum team (from left to right): Igor Mass (First Angel Investor and Advisory Board Member), Johannes Eifert (Chief Technical Officer), Dr. Saurabh Pandey (Chief Scientific Officer) (img: databaum)
Databaum has decided to establish its headquarters in Basel. The startup is active in the agriculture and food technology sectors and according to a press release from the company’s founders, it develops “innovative digital tools” based on the Internet of Things to achieve the United Nations goals for sustainable development. The Basel Area Business & Innovation location and innovation promotion agency supported the settlement of the company, which was set up one year ago.
Databaum selected Basel as its headquarters due to its proximity to France and Germany. However, it adds: “Especially the close connections to research and a huge life science cluster as well as the proximity of all large industrial players are of great advantage”.
Databaum provides farmers with “all the microclimatic field information and real-time digital support tools”. According to databaum, if viticulturists had been informed in time, a lot of unnecessary pesticide application could have been avoided, for example in 2022, which was a favorable year for grape harvests.
Project with Federal Office for Agriculture
The Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) is providing 350,000 Swiss francs to support a joint project between databaum, the Swiss competence center for agricultural research, Agroscope, and the Weinbauzentrum Wädenswil viticulture center. Databaum concluded a seed funding round on November 10. Another will end on March 23, 2023.
Databaum further reports that Ernst Arn has been appointed as the new CEO. The current CEO of Simmental Switzerland AG will start his new position on January 23, 2023. He has previously worked as a director and managing director at the seed producer KWS Group for eleven years.