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Van Baerle to benefit from Schweizerhalle location
Next year, chemical company Van Baerle will move from Münchenstein in the canton of Basellandschaft to the Schweizerhalle industrial location. Owner and CEO Daniel Schenk summarized the advantages of the new location in an interview.

Lager Hygieneprodukte, Standort Münchenstein (img. van Baerle)
Van Baerle is leaving Münchenstein after some 130 years because the site is too large for the company, explained Daniel Schenk in an interview. “We have over 20,000 square metres here, while at the new location it will still be around 10,000 square metres.”
But that is not the only reason for staying in the Basel region. Van Baerle is relocating to the chemical and pharmaceutical cluster in Schweizerhalle in the immediate vicinity of companies such as Novartis. Although this proximity was not the decisive factor in favour of the new location, Van Baerle is still set to benefit from it. “We need alkalis for our production – and these are produced in Schweizerhalle,” said Schenk. “We will also be able to exploit synergies in supply with water and steam as well as wastewater.”
The Basel economic development agency proposed the new location to Van Baerle.
For Van Baerle, relocating abroad would not have generated enough advantages. Schenk cited the “solid economic reasons that speak in favour of Switzerland as a business location”. He said that the legal framework in Switzerland enables flexibility and entrepreneurial action and named training and the labour market as other arguments in favour of Switzerland.
Schenk also said that he cannot imagine a Switzerland without industrial activities: “This might be possible for very small countries such as Monaco or Liechtenstein, but not for Switzerland. We have to take care of our workplace.” He added that Swissness will still play a role internationally, even if production costs are lower abroad.
Particularly in the Basel region, the planned reduction in the corporate tax rate is also attractive for the company, even if the privileges of a holding company no longer exist. “The bottom line is that Van Baerle will benefit”, concluded Schenk.