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Cyber security for the digitized and networked world – Are you armed against cyber-attacks?

9. Tri-national Industry 4.0 Technology Circle – Innovation and Development in the Region through the Upper Rhine Competence Network

The more organizations make technological progress and lean into their digital transformation to boost performance, the more risk they assume. Some new technologies genuinely enable better cybersecurity – and not just as an overlay or afterthought. That is a good thing, because when organizations implement cloud-based solutions, they can lose visibility, and as they collect and query big data for more (and more exact) answers, they can incur increased risk related to their digital information and decisions based on that information. (Source: WEF)



Basel Area Business & Innovation – Uptown Basel – Axians
Sébastien Meunier,  Albert Hilber and Hans-Jörg Fankhauser


Cyber defense especially in the current threatened environment.
The complexity of attacks and the capabilities of attackers are increasing at a faster rate. Increasing digital networking causes attacks on IT systems to have direct consequences in the physical world. The experts provide an insight into possible solutions for the outlined challenges.
Dr. Michael Hanspach Associate Partner, Cyber Security Lead


Identity is the new security perimeter
We are experiencing a radical change in the world of networks and access security. We are moving from a situation where an organization’s network was inside its walls and the Internet outside, to a situation where everything is based on the Internet, which is shared by all organizations’ networks. The networks of companies are now permanently installed in the Internet network using cloud infrastructures that goes beyond the physical boundaries of organizations. The concept of “security perimeter” has been completely transformed and therefore, also the way this new security perimeter is protected.
Jonathan Fussner Chairman


Playfully to safer behavior
Serious Games, Gamification and Cyber Security. Can these words go together? You will discover the impact of these methods on the awareness of employees to cyber risks and, through practical examples, how it is possible to change dangerous behaviors by using these tools.
Eric Flury – Partner
Fabula Games GmbH


Actual cyber attacks and insight into the day-to-day operations of a Security Operations Center
Expecting the unexpected
Freddy Bürkli Head of BU Cyber Security
Martin Lutz Head of Security Operations Center


Networking and visit SOC
Sébastien Meunier and Albert Hilber
Freddy Bürkli Head of BU Cyber Security

Participation is free, however registration is required before September 13, 2022.