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4. Trinational Technology Circle Industry 4.0 (EN/DE/FR)

You have to change everything so that nothing changes.

Many companies operate in an extremely dynamic environment. Customers expect their needs to be met quickly. To remain successful as an entrepreneur, it is becoming increasingly important to benefit from a networked environment.

The Technology Circle Industry 4.0 is a great opportunity for us to exchange information and know-how. This meeting is a continuation of the Technology Circles of the past years.


Join our trinational Technology Circle Industry 4.0.


Focus Topic 1: The Digital Transformation Toolbox: Concepts and Components for your Digital Transformation Strategy
Focus Topic 2: The Workplace Transformation: Project Methodology and Case Studies


Conference language: English
Workshop language: German, French, English


Participation is free, however registration is required before February 14, 2021.




Albert Hilber, Manager Upper Rhine, Industrial Transformation and Sébastien Meunier, Industrial Transformation, Basel Area Business & Innovation


Keynote: Technology Circles No. 1, 2 and 3: What did we learn and implement so far?
Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter, FHNW

Summary of what was discussed and documented in the workshops of the previous Technology Circles. Where do the companies stand today, what “should be done” now, what could be done differently. Lessons learned in previous Technology Circles.


Focust Topic I: The Digital Transformation Toolbox: Concepts and Components for your Digital Transformation Strategy
Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter, FHNW

Tools, concepts and components on a strategic level that enable companies to drive their transformation without having to reinvent the wheel. Foresight and wak Signals Management


Example of an SME on the way to digitizing the company:
Digital transformation is a “must”
Thomas Zwicker, Senior Project Manager Project Competence

Experiences and lessons learned on the transformation journey of an SME
Future Mode of Operation (FMO) – holistic model, balancing act “Urgent Pains vs Long Term Strategy”, role of IT and Business
Digital@Heart – culture building for digitalization


1. Workshop: Concepts and Project Phases of your Transformations Strategy

Exchange in groups


Summary / Presentation
Presentation of the results of the workshop


Focus Topic 2 : The Workplace Transformation: Project Methodology and Case Studies
Valérie Savoy, Future Work Group

The Workplace Transformation and Digital Transformation and Key Concepts of Workplace Transformation, including  “Blended Working”


Work Better – It’s time for an experience that’s fundamentally better!
Régis Monot Dealer Business Manager Grand Est et Luxembourg, Steelcase France

The pandemic has impacted many aspect of our lives. To better understand the impact the crisis has had on work, workers and the workplace, Steelcase conducted research to develop insights into the pandemic’s impact and how this will drive change in where and how people work.


2. Workshop: Workplace Transformation Projects and Approaches

Exchange in groups


Summary / Presentation
Presentation of the results of the workshop


Wrap Up
Albert Hilber, Manager Upper Rhine, Industrial Transformation and Sébastien Meunier, Director Industrial Transformation, Basel Area Business & Innovation


1:1 Networking

Voluntary exploration of the Expo-Booths